Karma Yoga (Chapter III) ‘Listen to the Inaudible’

They return to ‘Avenge’

Now just wait for the time wheel. At the right time, at the right place or I may say right here, whoever was engaged in this devilish act would be dealt with.

These so called lifeless ‘Entities’ would destroy themselves to devastate you.

You contaminate the rivers, you poison the seas but they can’t express their plight, their anger, their agonies because they are no entity for your scientific world but don’t worry, they would make you understand one day they are live and you may go on discussing ‘Global Warming’ because for you everything is so physical.

All of your efforts are nothing but to save yourself because you are heartless people.

You only act when your life comes at stake unless why worry about these insignificant beings who are not parts of your ‘Intelligent’ progressing human world.

They are just for fulfilling your ‘Necessities’.

You enjoy killing animals for your physical gratification. After all, their births become meaningful when they serve their mutilated bodies for you. Does it not!!

Have you ever considered their pain and from what they go through when they are about to cut into pieces in order to give you the required nutrients.

Do you know when you do that you become part of their consciousness while they are dying. You know why!!

To cultivate empathy and for experiencing that you have to go through the similar grinding process in one way or the other.

That’s why some feel love for the animals and the others show their love in terms of their ‘Taste’.

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