You are in a ‘Mirror House’
You are in the ‘Mirror House’. It would show you host of ‘Stimulus’ in the name of various external circumstances you may abhor to the best extent possible, but its only ‘Aim’ is to make you expand.
Once you understand that you would see the environment is gradually altering because you have understood what it is meant for unless it would go on hitting you hard to make you realize why it is there.
On the contrary you are thinking to end your human journey.
Then the same environment would hit you harder, even after leaving this body, to make you understand you were wrong in putting full stop to your human existence so abruptly.
You did not even try to know why the given ‘Stimulus’ was there.
The external circumstances would go on increasing their might till the time you don’t wake up because you have fallen asleep like a ‘Moron’ or appearing to be a dead entity.
No matter you are breathing but are you aware of who is taking the breaths!!
You can’t move on like ‘Zombies’ all the times. Yes, you are ‘Zombies’ because your mind is taking you for a ride since endless ages. So, wake up. It’s now or never.
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