Be an ‘Observer’

However, easier said than done. It does not happen in a jiffy. From somewhere you have to start. In this context first of all start noticing the things that trigger something inside you.

Say, you are walking on the street and the sight of a beggar fills your eyes with tears but it does not happen to everyone, why? That also when you belong to well to do family.

Everybody also can have one’s own share of fears especially ‘Irrational’. Like you are afraid of drowning in water with no known reason at all in this life.

Go on thinking, why, instead of defying it all in the name of modern science.

This exercise would gradually turn your eyes inward.

Since eons your brain got trained to witness external. Now it is running in default mode and for every solution it runs outside because ‘Inside’ has lost its significance from where all the things are taking shapes and figures.

As the time goes by, gradually, your memories of previous incarnations would start coming to you.

As is well said by Sage Patanjali in his famous ‘Yog Bhashya Sutra’ that when you concentrate upon your ‘Samskaras’ or habits your past births start  getting revealed to you.

I have verified it so no doubt on my part, but always remember ‘Rome was not built in a day’.

However, the question is why you want to know yourself? My answer would be, so that I can know what kind of mistakes or blunders I have had been repeating since ages.

This knowledge would help me to take right decisions in this life unless the same vicious cycle would go on repeating.

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